The internet and social media are fantastic tools to help people around the world communicate with their family and friends. However, it's important to be mindful of
What we post
Where we post it
and who we share it with.
We need to educate our children on internet safety and give them advice on how to protect their online privacy. We should remind them to be very careful with everything we share, especially if it's personal information that we wouldn't like strangers to know.
Being on the internet can be fun and educational, but it's very important for children to understand the potential risks and hazards. We recommend you watch the short video below with your child, as it covers safety tips for your child to follow while using the internet!
If your child has their own device, we recommend introducing parental controls on them. Parental Controls and Privacy Settings are useful tools to help minimise the risks your children may face. It’s really important to teach your child skills like critical thinking and resilience, so they know what do if they encounter risk. Always encourage them to talk to you about anything they find upsetting online.
Although these controls are not 100% effective, they are definitely useful in protecting your children!
If you are looking for advice on how to set up these parental controls on any of your child's devices, check out this website,
The website will appear as shown below, where you can quickly input your child's device details, and the parental control guide for that specific device will appear! Its that simple.

If your child is slightly older, and you want to show them a more age-appropriate video, check out this video by Josh Shipp. He's balanced humour with internet safety to keep teens engaged and listening!
If you'd like to read more about this, please check out , or simply Google 'Internet safety for children' and plenty of free resources will appear.
If we can help you any further, please don't hesitate to contact us at