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Child Dental Health; Let's shine together!

Your child's health matters - and their dental health should not be ignored!

If you're struggling to motivate your child to brush their teeth, we recommend showing them this video!

Weekly Tooth Brushing Worksheet

We have created a free printable weekly tooth brushing schedule, which can be downloaded below the picture,

Teeth Brushing Worksheet Booklet

As well as that, we have also created an entire booklet of fun worksheets that may help motivate your child to brush their own teeth voluntarily, which can be downloaded for free below,

Why is promoting tooth health important?

According to the NHS, Tooth decay is largely preventable yet it remains a serious problem. Findings from Public Health England’s (PHE) 2015 national dental epidemiology survey of 5-year-old children showed that in 2015 in England, a quarter (25%) of 5-year-olds had experienced tooth decay, having on average 3 or 4 teeth affected. The vast majority of tooth decay was untreated.

Poor dental health impacts children and families

Poor dental health impacts not just on the individual’s health but also their wellbeing and that of their family. Children who have toothache or who need treatment may have pain, infections and difficulties with eating, sleeping and socialising.

A quarter of 5 year-olds have tooth decay when they start school. Children who have toothache or who need treatment may have to be absent from school and parents may also have to take time off work to take their children to a dentist or to hospital.

Oral health is therefore an important aspect of a child’s overall health status and of their school readiness.

As we are a preschool, we follow the EYFS guidelines, which require "All settings must promote the good health, including oral health, of children attending the setting."

We follow this by constantly promoting good dental health by only serving milk or water (Restricting sugary and acidic drinks). We also ask our parents to constantly promote brushing their teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and to avoid keeping sugary and acidic food and drinks to mealtimes only.


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